Dry (chip antenna epoxy glue [PET] film) or wet (with adhesive backing) inlays can be directly embedded into third-party products or changed into finished products in a number of applications, including, and not limited
The RFID tag in a smart label. It comprises the chip and aluminum, copper or silver antenna bonded to a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) layer that is delivered to the label maker "dry" (without adhesive) or "wet" (attached to a pressure sensitive liner). The inlay is adhered to the back side of the label and printed and encoded in an RFID printer. See RFID tag, RFID reader, RFID printer and RFID.
RFID antenna design that enables end-users to reach and sustain consistently high levels of performance in all UHF frequency regions globally with the same inlays. This represents critical competitive and logistical advantages for any fast-moving consumer goods company with manufacturing, distribution and customers located in different parts of the world. The same RFID inlays can be used by the manufacturer, the logistics service provider and the retailer, to track and identify products accurately and cost-efficiently throughout the supply chain at item level.
