This can be first achieved by ensuring that your cards are accessible in any and every situation. Keep an eye on your supply and order a fresh supply every time you are running out of cards. This is to ensure that whenever you find a potential client, you would have a name card ready to give to them for that purpose.
Looking out for every opportunity to exchange your cards is a great way of advertising. There are many opportunities such as giving them out in person when holding conversations with people about your business or industry. Whether to someone new or someone you have not seen for a while, ensure you give them a card. These people can include your customers and prospective clients or even referral sources that you wish to develop. This is one of the most conventional ways of getting people to get hold of the card. Many of these people will keep the card and later on may contact you for possible opportunities.
Be sure to have plenty of cards when attending social events- these are great places to reach a good number of people at one go. In such occasions, there will always be other business people giving out their cards as well, do not make this a one-way traffic, when they hand out their cards to you be sure to hand out your card to them as well.
Businesses that are complementary to yours may have the same customers as you want to, and the businesses may also be interested in finding a networking partner, therefore, visit such businesses and ask to leave a supply of your cards for them to hand out to their customers on your behalf. An example of complementary businesses would be a nutritionist leaving a stack of cards at a gymnasium.
Another good opportunity is when attending international meetings and events. In such cases, you may want to consider printing your cards on both sides, on one side in English and on the other side in the language of the event's host country.
Another way is by putting the cards on bulletin boards. Some common places that are available for this kind of advertising opportunity include supermarkets, coffee shops, Laundromats and other places such as diners where many people usually gather there. Also when eating in diners or restaurants, leave your card with the bill, and it is polite to leave a personal thank-you note as well.
Remember to use good judgment when advertising and giving out the name cards. It is important to note that as much as you want to give your cards to a large number of people, it is a waste of time and resources to give out the cards especially in large numbers to contacts that have nothing to do with your business.
LEGIC presented its prime products for the first time at CeBIT 1992. Ever since then LEGIC prime has been established like a proven technology. Much like the other LEGIC brands, LEGIC prime utilizes a industry standard frequency of 13.56 MHz.
LEGIC prime is trusted in access control related applications for example multi application cards, in large-scale ticketing projects or even in the leisure industry. Easier organizational processes and also to improve the convenience are thereby the attention.
Legic MIM256 and Legic MIM1024 frequently used types of Prime series. LEGIC mim utilizes a industry standard frequency of 13.56 MHz.
Prime series chip premiered in 1992 by LEGIC, that is a extremely high reliability line non-contact card chip, since it has not been cracked and there is no compatible chip thus far. And then we can
begin to see the high security from the products. The memory of LEGIC MIM256 is 256byte, and
the LEGIC MIM1024 is 1024byte. These chips are cards fully compliant with ISO 14443 F standard.