
Local Business Loyalty Cards: Boost both your sales and increase customer traffic

If you really wish to attract a large number of new customers to your store or company then you should utilize a loyalty program. A magnetic striped loyalty card with 100% traceability can assist you with repeat business.  With the 365 Loyalty card program, our cards  will allow you to offer great benefits to your customers and enhance your clientele list expediently. Further, if you really wish to be a successful business  then keep in mind that customers love to experience special attention. Thus, you must offer them a loyalty type program and provide good customers incentives to return more often. Generally, stores have their special ‘customer club' and to join these clubs you just need a plastic membership card through which you can easily take the advantages of discounts and promotional activities. In this article, we would like to make you aware about the advantageous of membership card programs in all type of businesses. With the 365 Loyalty program unlike individual store memberships, our loyalty card carries many merchants on one card.

Loyalty cards are an ideal marketing device as it enables you to give customers a great reason to return and spend money with you more often. Plus as an added benefit customers who are receiving added benefits and discounts tend to spend more in the long run.  As a local business if you are offering loyalty cards or membership cards to your valuable clients then you're really doing lucrative marketing. Further, if you are issuing a  loyalty card to your client as he or she requests it will virtually boost your both customer traffic and sales. The prime aim of issuing these cards is to make your consumer feel special and fortunate. Additionally, the 365 Loyalty program can be used by merchants as a gift card, electronic coupon card or a loyalty card. Merchants are able to install our software and not only track how many times the 365 Loyalty card was used but also which promotion brought the most revenue to the business.
The 365 Loyalty program enables merchants to also target card holders with a promotion via email using any geographic or demographic of our card holders as they choose. Merchants are able to post a mini website on the 365 Loyalty website which brings a lot of traffic to the business as our card holders are consistently checking our site for new merchants and to view the offers by merchants
Membership card is credit card size or customized and with PVC/PET material. The ISO standard plastic membership cards are wildly used in different kinds of clubs, stores, libraries and so on. We can supply cheap normal plastic membership card without any chips only signature panel, numbers, mag stripe or other personality. And we are also supplying all kinds of RFID membership cards with different kinds of chips for loyalty program and membership card system.

Membership card’s housing finished can glossy or matt which is up to customers’ requirement. Normally, lighter color or membership card with glossy finished but darker color will with matt to avoid the scratch off on the cards. No matter you can decide by yourself.

We professionally supply print membership cards service in China. Good quality promised and best after service for all customers from worldwide.

