Tag Under Sensormatic SuperTag
Sensormatic SuperTag which is the gold standard in asset protection-secure lots of apparel and general merchandise with exceptional performance, strength and flexibility. These tags include a robust Abs plastic, fiberglass housing using a time-tested rotary clamp and spring-gate secure for the highest level of defeat resistance. A strong visual deterrent that does not affect aesthetics, this tag offers the highest a higher level protection for retailers’ best merchandise.
This SuperTag provides top-of-the-line protection from theft for everything from heavy outer wear to delicate intimate garments. The sleek shape gives a strong visual deterrent without detracting from high-end merchandise, letting retailers’ open-merchandise with confidence.
The Sensormatic SuperTag series has become the Electronic Article Surveillance leader for over 14 years. Designed for performance, ultimate security and convenience the SuperTag family has been the preeminent choice for retailers to shield their most valued assets. The robust Fibre glass housing combined with the time-tested rotary clamp and spring gate fastener provide exceptional defeat resistance. These reusable hard tags give a strong visual deterrent without detracting from merchandise presentations. Retailers around the world embrace SuperTag as an essential solution because of their anti-theft platforms.
The SuperTag can't be removed without the correct detacher. Sensormatic Super Tag is the foremost retail security tag designed for clothing. Patented Sensormatic detachers offer an embedded security tag that sound the detection system if one is brought into or from the store.
The warning was never intended to prevent the end user from removing the tag. Still the tag has provided comedians and the rest of us with years of fodder for jokes and gags. So free yourself from any residual guilt and remove the tags if you wish. If the mattress police are any where to be found it is at the proverbial donut shop. They will not be breaking down your door and raiding your bedroom at time soon.
On the serious side, the tags and others information provided by manufacturers and retailers is very important. The last few years has seen an emphasis on incorporating more fire safe materials into the production of mattress, bedding, upholstered furniture, clothing and a variety of other household items. The funny tag is a very important way to communicate vital information to consumers and reassure them that the products they buy are indeed safe.
Consumers need to feel confident about the products they buy. Reputable businesses are more than willing to self regulate and understand the need for business to provide accurate information that benefits everyone.
The Sensormatic SuperTag is an security tag which designed for various grades of clothing merchandise design. This security tag is good performance and very sensor sensitivity. There are ball locking deivce, a mechanical lock ,the rationalization of the design , superb technology , compact and lightweight, can provide reliable protection for middle distance detection tag for all alcoholic products.
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