NTAG203 card is designed for NFC Forum type 2 tag applications. Such as WiFi protected set-up , call request , SMS, smart advertisement, goods and device authentication, Bluetooth simple pairing and so on.
NTAG203 IC provides full compliance on the NFC Forum Tag 2 Type technical specification and enables NDEF data structure configurations.
The anticollision function will depend on an IC individual serial number called Unique IDentifier. The UID in the NTAG203 is 7 bytes long and supports cascade level 2 based
An intelligent anticollision function according to ISO/IEC 14443 allows to use more than one card from the field simultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each card individually and helps to ensure that the execution of your transaction which has a selected card is carried out correctly without data corruption as a result of other cards from the field.
The Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies conducts the NMAT Exam. The NMAT 2016 Admit card will be issued by the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies. The candidates who have successfully applied for the NMAT 2016 Exam will be able to download the NMAT Admit card online. There is no official notice from the Institute stating the release of the NMAT Call Letter however it is expected to be released soon. Once the NMAT 2016 Hall Ticket is published the candidates can download the same from the official NMAT website. There is also the provision for downloading the duplicate NMAT 2016 Admit card by entering the candidate's application number.
NMAT 2016 Admit card will be issued online on the official website of NMAT 2016. Admit will be shortly available & NMAT by GMAC exam will held in October 2015.
