More commonly, however, luggage tags are a way to help you identify your luggage at baggage claim. Stand at any baggage claim carousel at any airport and you'll see the bags and suitcases all tend to be the same colors and styles. If your luggage looks like everyone else's, it can be difficult to pick yours out of the crowd. A brightly colored luggage tag or a tag with a unique shape or pattern is an easy solution to this problem. It can be the one element that helps you identify your luggage from the sea of black, gray, and dark blue.
Luggage tags can also be used on bags other than suitcases. Use them on carry-on bags, briefcases, duffel bags, backpacks, and even lunch bags - any bag that could be mistaken as someone else's.
Harbor a fear of losing your baggage while traveling? Does the idea of being without your clothing, toiletries, and other accoutrements leave you in cold sweats? How do you feel when you are at baggage claim and three or four bags that look exactly like yours come barreling down the chute? Before you head out on your next business trip or personal vacation grab a couple of luggage tags from our marketplace to help alleviate some of these issues. Mark your territory with these amazing tags so that you can easily identify your bags when looking for them at the baggage claim carousel. They can also be useful if your luggage is misplaced at the airport so they can be returned to their rightful home. Even if your bag is the same color and style as every other bag in the airport your new luggage tag will help it stand out. Browse through thousands of unique designs, images, and text to find one that speaks to your personality.
It is a smart way to choice Plastic luggage tag with your custom size and custom design printing. You can use our available mould to print plastic luggage tag such as CR80 ,CR80 with 3 key tags, combo card CR80 1-keytag, combo card CR80 2-keytags ect. If you have a good ideal of custom size for printing plastic luggage tag. That will be better. We can make a new die cut for you. It is only for you. Enquiry us today, we will reply you in 24 hrs.
