The wireless remote, or key fob, for your home security system arms and disarms the security system in your home. It also includes a panic button that sounds an alarm, which in turn causes the monitoring company to be notified that a security breach or other home emergency is in progress.
Most home security systems allow for multiple fobs to be programmed into the
system-up to eight in many instances. In addition to being able to keep them in handy places around your home, you'll be able to provide them to certain individuals, including older children, an elderly family member, or a trusted neighbor, all with the convenience of not having to divulge the pass code for your system.
Modern technology means convenience in many instances, and when it comes to home security technology, key fobs are the resulting component. Please use our System Finder tool for assistance in finding a security system designed with your needs in mind, or call and speak with a 。
A key fob is a small electronic security device with built-in authentication protocols or mechanisms to allow whoever possesses it to enter a secured network or location in order to access data or services. A key fob is designed to be small so that it can be carried around inconspicuously just like a key chain, hence the name key fob.
A key fob usually has a small screen so it can display whatever security code it was meant to contain. It is used as part of a multifactor identification process, which is required for high-security systems. More common security measures are a username and a PIN/password combination, while others only require a certain key or smart card. But two-factor identification requires both, meaning that the person must supply the personal identification credentials plus the associated security device, in this case the key fob.
