Plastic cards are changing the facet of businesses and augmenting the impacts of a business it is using. Even more the impacts of these special materials tend to vary with the varying density, texture, shapes or sizes. These printed collaterals are made of durable plastic materials and are potent to outshine conventional paper based options. These cards beat standard, ordinary options and also endure tear and wear of time with its durable nature. Indeed, durability is a major advantage of these options let alone its striking beauty.
Affordability is key and a key tag project can deliver. Key tags are everywhere and are one of the most effective loyalty tools available. To maximize your efforts you can rely on our award winning art department. It has advertising and marketing agency experience. It offers full design services and can create the perfect plastic gift cards, Point of Sale Activation cards or Key Tags for you.
Plastic cards types and styles are placed into three categories: credit and debit cards, membership and hospitality cards, and ID badges. Credit and debit cards, or smart cards, are mainly used by banks and larger retail establishments. Membership and hospitality cards are used throughout many different industries for such uses as customer cards, discount cards, etc. ID badges are commonly used in schools, manufacturing facilities and in hospitals. View the information below to find all the plastic cards types and styles that are available for your business.
While in its simplest form, a custom plastic card for can simply have a unique number on it, more tangible benefits will accrue if the card contains a magnetic strip or barcode. This will enable you to assess the success of sales and promotions and track customers' spending habits.
Smart cards are used for credit and debit cards. These cards are programmed by you for use by your company. They can be used for retail credit cards and employee discount cards.
Membership and hospitality cards are used in clubs, hotels, retail stores and schools. Key cards, gift cards and loyalty cards are also included in this group. A programming machine is needed to program these cards.
With such versatility and flexible printing and designing options, the solid plastic cards surpass over transparent options. Undoubtedly, these solid options have a sure-fire way of leaving impressions over people, again and again. Thus, if you are looking for a safe bet, especially if you want to incorporate uniqueness to printing stationeries for your advertising company, movie related specialists, photographers, travel and tour firms, graphic designer and the like Plastic Cards fit your bill.
