Applications: access control, identification card solution, loyalty project ect
We are offering variety of rfid cards for your options:rfid card 125khz, rfid card 13.56mhz, uhf rfid card, dual frequency card
Some of the main advantages of retransfer RFID ISO card printers are improved RFID ISO card quality, longer RFID ISO card printer printhead longevity and more consistent images. The quality of the RFID ISO card is improved in two ways: 1) when the laminate film is thermally bonded to the card, the image is under a protective layer which increases the lifespan of the card and 2) the image quality is of photographic quality as it is not subject to slight imperfections in the RFID ISO card. In fact, it is this latter concern (imperfections in the RFID ISO card) that can deteriorate the printhead of an RFID ISO card printer. Specifically, with DTC printing technologies, the badge printer printhead directly contacts the ID badge via the ribbon which may cause damage if the ID badge surface has imperfections; with the Fargo HDP RFID ISO card printers or Zebra retransfer RFID ISO card printers, the RFID ISO card printer's printhead never goes near the RFID ISO card so there is no risk of damage. It should be noted that imperfections may be intentional such as with ISO14443 Mifare or ISO 7816 Contact Smart Cards that have an uneven surface.
Another advantage is that RFID ISO card printing can be done to a broad range of cards give greater flexibility when it comes to card selection. DTC dye sublimation requires a porous surface available only with PVC-based cards, thus limiting card material options and which is why they are commonly referred to as PVC Card Printers or plastic card printers. However, with retransfer RFID ISO card printer, PVC, ABS, PET and Smart cards can be printed to without difficulty since the card image is printed to an image-receiving intermediate film and then thermally bonded to the card after printing. Again, the badge printer's printhead never touches the card.
The quality of the card image is improved as traditional DTC printers had to print directly to a hard plastic card surface fundamentally limit the image quality of the DTC process. The relatively small number of affordable, durable card materials that accept dyes limits the types of cards used, and limits the intensity of colors that DTC can reproduce. In addition, the DTC process depends on uniform, intimate contact between the printhead, the dye ribbon, and the card surface. Because of the unevenness of many card surfaces, DTC cannot achieve high color density and uniformity when transferring dye directly to a card. All of these issues are eliminated with retransfer RFID ISO card Printers.
