Custom wristbands have been fashionable for nearly a decade. Since the introduction of the classic yellow silicone bracelet imprinted with the word Livestrong, they have become iconic symbols of charitable causes worldwide.
The key the success of custom wristbands as fundraising items is their extraordinarily low production cost. They can be mass produced for pennies, and sold at a relatively low price, making them affordable to just about anyone who wants one. Because custom wristbands cost so little to make, the per-unit profit margin is very high and adds up quickly to a significant contribution to the desired cause.
People also appreciate custom wristbands because they are looking for ways to support causes they consider important. Buying custom wristbands and wearing them is an easy way for people to support environmental issues, disaster relief efforts, medical research or other things they care about.
The detractors are right in one respect. Buying custom wristbands doesn't do much individually. But collectively, the amount adds up. And many people are simply unable to do more.
Embossed custom wristbands raise the lettering above the wristband surface, the opposite of the debossed bands. These wristbands draw more attention to the text.
For reproducing corporate logos and trademarks exactly, silk screen printed custom wristbands are the solution. These have the message printed directly onto the flat surface of the silicone bands. These custom wristbands feature a bright look and showcase logos and text with a photo-quality image. However, because the message isn't imprinted into the silicone, these will be less durable than other wristband styles.
