
The bin tag is cost-effective waste management smart tag solutions?

The bin tag is cost-effective waste management smart tag solutions. It’s with RFID technology. Each durable bin tag offer superior resistance to water, salt mist mineral oil and petroleum as well as high tolerance to shock and temperature variations. Each tag is easily into standard nests manufactured into most waste bins. We supply LF, HF and UHF bin tags for your choices.
The bin tag perform exceptionally well, withstand abuse and help waste management organizations achieve optimal data integrity easily and efficiently.

Waste management utilizes RFID to uniquely identify waste bins. When the truck empties the bin, the tag is read and weighed, to accurately simplify billing according to the amount of waste was produced.

If you are currently using our paper bin tags but have registered with us you should have received an information package by post explaining how the new electronic  payment system will work and when you will be switched to it.

The is bin tag an automated prepay system and works on the same principal as prepay mobile phones. You top up your account with credit in advance, each time we empty your wheelie bin we deduct the cost from your account. The cost per lift is the exactly the same as the paper bin tag however there are much more benefits.

