
What is Round clothing security tag?

Round clothing security tag which is wildly used for clothing, towel , bath towel shop security. Now there are many retail stores are using clothing security tags. It is application for checkpoint systems and all 8.2MHz systems. The round tag is also known as the Mini tag or Mini square. It is uses a three locking ball System to secure the pin. This security tag with cheap price and it can be recycle used. It is very good ideal as anti-shop clothing security tag.

When my Mom brought home her new pair of gloves, which she paid for not stole, she went to use them and found that the security tag (non-ink one) was still attached.

Round has a large range of discounted security tags for fashion retailers to provide anti-theft protection to all clothing such as jeans, dresses, tops and jackets. Round security tags could also be applied to fashion accessories like handbags, belts, jewellery and sunglasses.

While the clothing security tags are the main seller industry-wide, retailers are not bound to its traditional ‘pin and clip to fabric’ application. Security tags can be adapted to fit most miscellaneous merchandise with a lanyard or Versa Pin and Hook pins. Round security tags may then be applied to protect such merchandise as sporting equipment, household electrics and toys.

Security tags work by attaching it securely to the merchandise to be later removed or detached by the sales assistant by a powerful Superlock magnetic detacher at the point of sale. Attempted theft with the security tag in place will sound an alarm at the security gates at exit.

