Owning a retail business can be a troublesome task if efficient security measures are not put in place to protect customers, stock and premises. Implementing cost effective security measures can ensure that margins are protected and that stock doesn't walk out of the door. Here are 5 security measures to safeguard a retail business against theft and criminal activity.
1. Manned guarding services – having a presence at the entrance to the retail store acts as a visual deterrent to unwanted criminal activity. Retail store owners can employ a security guard that is either stationed at the entrance or can roam around the store as a mobile deterrent. For larger stores, a manned guard team can be employed to operate a security presence across the store, ensuring visibility at all points.
2. Plain clothes security guards – by operating in plain clothes, undercover security guards attract less attention and can work closer to customers and potential security threats. By being plain clothed, these security guards can get closer without arising suspicion and so can add a secondary layer to a retail businesses security.
3. Electronic stock tags – having an electronic stock tag implemented on each stock item is a powerful deterrent if visual security measures have not deterred the criminal activity. As each stock item is purchased, the cashier has to remove the security tag. Any items which are not purchased and handled by store staff will set off an alarm on store exit. The alarm is then heard by everyone including security staff, general staff and customers.
4. Lock Cabinets for high value stock – high value items should be on display in low quantities, and also placed within locked glass cabinets. By doing this, customers have to request access from retail staff, ensuring that a retail staff member can take responsibility and care over the high value items.
5. Trained retail staff – training retail staff to security tag acknowledge all visitors and customers to the premises acts a strong deterrent as potential thieves will feel their presence under consideration at all times. By asking customers if they would like any assistance, retail staff can not only help to increase sales, but also deter criminal activity.
